A Filipino VSO volunteer's journey to the "Land of Thirteen Months of Sunshine".

Ethiopia . . . . . . . Philippines

"The drums of Africa have summoned me, and I will not rest until I know in my heart what the beautiful drumbeats mean."

---Reiza S. Dejito

Friday, January 30, 2009

Never-ending Goodbyes

"You will always be missed, for you will never fathom the depths of how you touched and blessed our lives---as a seat mate, as a fellow copy editor, as a reviewer, as supervisor, as a confidant, as a friend. But then you have to go where the only the braves dare. And for this, we cannot afford to cry but be happy for you and bless you with our prayers of good health, safety, and fulfillment in this new adventure that becomes a very meaningful phase in your life."

Those were a few lines of a blog post written by a friend that has left me speechless and misty eyed.

You never really realize how much love and true friendships you're blessed with until you say good-bye to people who have in one way or another, in small ways and big, touched your life.

My cellphone has never stopped ringing in the past few days. Friends are always calling and texting, sending their prayers and well wishes. Inspiring messages from strangers even found their way into my inbox. Long-time friends threw fabulous parties to send me off.

I want to post some pics of the parties, but I am just too tired and sleepy now from all the preparations I've been doing. Guess I will do that in Addis when I arrive on Sunday.

Mmmmmm . . . mmm . . . I am barely writing something here. I think I need to get some zzzzzzzzs. Until then . . .

1 comment:

Watt Smith said...

Before you leave, you will want to go here. Trust me... you will never forget it.
